“Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.” Luke 24:5b–6a
“He is risen!” shouts our true hope. “He is risen indeed!” reverberates our confident belief. The high point of our Christian life is celebrated this morning as we gather with all of God’s children to rejoice in the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. As today’s Gospel from Luke 24 will show us, confusion and fear give way to confident faith when the women who went to the tomb realize Jesus is alive and then share this good news with the other disciples. Through those disciples, this message has reached us also! Just as God had promised through His prophets of old, the Lord Himself will restore creation and bring harmony to all life—beginning with Jesus’ resurrection and continuing until the Last Day, when Jesus returns in glory, destroys death itself, and raises us up to new lives in His eternal kingdom. This victorious Savior is with us now—at the font, in His Word, at His Table—working to bring His new life into our lives as we trust in Him.
Art by: Jeanette Stern

Calligraphy Art: Barbara Darrah
